Custom Order

We can provide  paintings from your photo(s),image(s),picture(s).For these kinds of orders,please contact us directly via email, our email address is 

The first step: please send us the photo(s),image(s),picture(s), tell us the size(s), and if you need a built-in wood frame or not,and the shipping country.

The second step: we will tell you the price depending on your reqeust including the shipping cost, if you accept the price, we will send you a paypal invoice.

The third step:after we receive your payment, we will process your order right now; surely we will take photos for you to check the quality once the painting(s) is(are) finished; we will perfect the painting(s) if you want.

The fourth step:after you confirm the painting(s) ok, we pack the painting(s) and ship to you;we will tell you the detail shipping information.

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