Welcome to the Dafen oil painting online Help Center. We will offer you professional and high quality services around 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For your information, below we have gathered the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) for you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via email:info@Dafenoilpaintings.com.

1,Are your oil paintings made by machine?
We are an entity oil painting gallery in Dafen village Shenzhen, we have our own team constituted of  many well-known painters in china even the world! They will offer you their oriental opus all the time, and we will give you our best servings!
All the oil paintings on this web site are 100% hand made by our talented artists.

2,Why are your prices so low but with museum quality?
We specializes in providing museum quality hand painted oil paintings but with lowest cost. That's because We are an entity oil painting gallery in China, You buy the art directly from us. No any middle tache. Buying from Dafenoilpaintings.com gives you the opportunity to purchase oil paintings at the wholesale price and best quality.

3,Can you paint any style paintings?
We have many different painters,and they can different style paintings.So please tell us the detail info including images,size,medium,we will arrange the relevant painters to paint.

4,How many methods can i select to pay for my order?
We only support one payment method via PAYPAL,just to protect you paying safely.And how  PAYPAL works,please see here ttp://www.paypal.com

5,How long will I need to wait for the painting?
The artwork usually takes about 6-10 days. Wholesale order depends on order's detail which usually about 15 days or more.

6,Which shipping methods do you use ?
We usually ship by EMS or DHL. We will notify you which shipping method in the tracking number on PAYPAL or via email when order is completed and shipped. You may go to their web site to track:

7,How much are the shipping costs?
For the express fee detail information as below.
1) . Less than 20KG (including 20KG) :First 0.5KG is US$24.66,express cost is US$14.39 per one KG for the rest weight. For example,weight is 15KG(including tube),the cost is  US$24.66+(15-0.5)*US$14.39=US$233.31 .       
2) .From 21KG to 100KG :The express cost is US$8.9 per one KG. for example,weight is 32KG(including tube),the cost is  US$8.9*32=US$284.8 .

8,How can I protect my finished oil painting?
A finished painting should be coated with a protective varnish. However, it takes six months to a year for an oil painting to dry thoroughly enough to apply this finishing layer. In the meantime, store your work in a dust free, but not dark storage area.

9,How about Refund Policy?
Full money refund for any damaged or defective merchandise. Please provide notice to return within 3 business days after receiving the artwork and should be returned within 7 days in original packing with the express tracking number.

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Email:info@dafenoilpaintings.com MSN:matuoshan@hotmail.com Skype:dafenoilpaintings.com Yahoo ID:dafenoilpaintings