
We accept payments by Paypal, Moneybookers,Western Union and MoneyGram. Paypal is our preferred method of payment. If you have no Paypal account, however, you can also pay by credit card, such as Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.


WESTERN UNION Offline Payment

MEMO: Please e-mail us The Sender's First Name, Last Name, Total Amount, Currency, Money Control Transfer Number after done,so that we can track and get the payment .


paypal account:,,

We accept: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal. The security of orders placed with is our highest priority. Paypal is the vendor that will process your card and the name that will appear on your credit card bill. Paypal, an eBay company is a global leader in online payment solution with 96.2 million account members worldwide. Available in 55 countries and regions around the world, online retailers, online businesses, as well as traditional offline businesses are transacting with PayPal.

No PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available).

Please confirm your order and then will be redirect to PayPal's website to complete their payment. This is the basic PayPal account setup.

paypal payment

Telegraphic Tranfer(TT)

If you choose this payment method, please e-mail us for  bank details

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